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250 word submission - Glenn Ligon

The method that this artist chose was no where near a mainstream path or drawing / painting method . This artist would use coal dust in his “ relationship to paintings “ to make the image or letters glisten or shine to add a popping and moving effect. He finds it interesting “ slows the reading down “ he would like whoever is looking at his art piece or project , they would have to take a minute to observe which parts glisten harder than others and what the words actually say. Whatever idea he would have in his head even if it was scribble he would want to draw or color it out on paper. It did seem like a toddler scribbled over sketches yet whoever would look at it would have to understand the weights of the colors and the message that was springing out of the photo . American history was his main idea or theme he would use for his paintings that has an impactful message behind his work . “ if something stays in my head Long enough it might turn into art “ any message , quote , saying he wanted to illustrate through painting , he would either use coal dust , paint , text paint, Oil crayons to present a message for the audience about a past history era or event . It would take him over 6 months just to figure out a quote or find a quote to paint or illustrate . 


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